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Forward Internal


The Forward Internal Traffic Policy action enables you to forward requests from an Endpoint to a Private Endpoint.

Configuration Reference

This is the Traffic Policy configuration reference for this action.

Action Type


Configuration Fields

bindingstringThe string private.
urlstringRequired. The endpoint to forward to, such as http://my-private-endpoint.private:1234
on_error'halt' | 'continue'Whether a forward error is terminal (halts the action), or whether the policy continues to process later actions on error.

Supported Directions

  • inbound

Supported Schemes

  • https
  • http
  • tcp
  • tls


This action forwards a request to a private endpoint.

Valid forward targets

A request may only be forwarded to a private endpoint on the same account as this endpoint.

The target must be of the same protocol (i.e. an HTTP Endpoint may only forward to an HTTP Private Endpoint).


Rewrite using Paths

The following Traffic Policy configuration demonstrates how to use the forward-internal action to forward to a Private Endpoint.

Example Traffic Policy Document

- actions:
- type: "forward-internal"
binding: "private"
url: "http://my-endpoint.private"

This configuration will forward requests to an agent started with ngrok http --url "http://my-endpoint.private" 80